6 Tips About Teaching Your Children About Saving Money

When you have children, you want the best for them in every way. This wish is especially true when it comes to their financial security. As a parent, you can do everything in your power to ensure they have the financial means to achieve their goals and have access to every stepping stone they need to be successful. But you also need to lay the foundation to help instill in them the importance of saving money. Here are a few helpful tips about teaching your children about saving money and financial literacy.  (more…)

11 Ways to Save Money This Valentine’s Day Without Skimping on the Romance

We’re coming up on that time again. Love is in the air, and after the year we’ve just had, let’s face it, we all need to focus on love. But with Valentine’s Day fast approaching, the worry about creating a lovely romantic evening with gifts and experiences creates a lot of pressure during an already stressful time. Then when we think about money, our worries deepen. From chocolates to dinner to jewelry, Canadians can put a dent in their bank accounts during this romantic month. But love doesnt always have to have a large price tag to mean something. Let’s take a look at 11 ideas for saving money this Valentine’s Day. (more…)

Do's and Don'ts of Credit Cards

Credit cards can be a handy financial tool and an easy way to accumulate and carry unnecessary debt. When properly managed, credit cards can make building credit and covering emergency costs much more manageable. But on the other hand, you can quickly become overwhelmed by your card’s interest rate if you mismanage your debt. 

Whether you've had a credit card for many years or are just getting your first card now, there are certain do's and don'ts that everyone can learn from to ensure you are using them responsibly. This week, we're taking a look at some of the best practices of getting and using a credit card as well as what you want to avoid to keep your credit score up. (more…)

Financial Education: Do You Really Know How To Manage Your Budget And Finances?

Is there a perfect formula to stop worrying about money and be sure you always have savings to deal with the unexpected? How to properly manage your budget and personal finances? Ensuring your financial security comes with a solid foundation - and those foundations start with solid budget management. The key to successfully managing your personal finances is simple. It's a bit like a house: you need to create a solid foundation, build the upper floors, and of course, have a roof to be always protected no matter what happens above your head. Life insurance plans and annuities for retirement offer this kind of security. Then, once you built that financial security, you can set aside money for holiday spendings, education and your dream home.

And if you thought a family budget worksheet was enough for sound personal finance management, read this article carefully till the end. Likewise, if you know someone who has trouble managing their personal finances, please share this article to help them. This financial education article will teach you how to handle a personal budget and handle a budget surplus. Or more precisely, how to invest it. But first, let's talk about your financial goals.
