Gifting an Early Inheritance: Benefits & Questions
When we think about leaving a legacy, the thought of passing on wealth after we pass away comes to mind. Now, this is an entirely acceptable way to help your loved ones; after all, you won’t be around anymore to lend them a hand when they need financial help. But have you ever considered the option of passing on a legacy while still alive? Gifting an early inheritance is a great way to see your family benefit from your help and give yourself peace of mind at the same time. (more…)
6 Tips About Teaching Your Children About Saving Money
When you have children, you want the best for them in every way. This wish is especially true when it comes to their financial security. As a parent, you can do everything in your power to ensure they have the financial means to achieve their goals and have access to every stepping stone they need to be successful. But you also need to lay the foundation to help instill in them the importance of saving money. Here are a few helpful tips about teaching your children about saving money and financial literacy. (more…)
11 times to review your insurance policy
"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as a driver."
Ayn Rand, American novelist and philosopher
Indeed, you are the driver and controlling your money means controlling your life.
Life consists of constant change, and controlling your budget can make it easier to cope with the upheavals. Do you take stock of your finances now and then? Like every aspect of your life, life insurance is something you should regularly review to update your policy. Review your life insurance policy periodically to ensure this is the right policy for you and your beneficiaries. You can then assess whether all your needs are covered or if you should look at an additional option. You might well congratulate yourself in a few years for taking the time to review your coverage over the phone with your advisor. This simple review could save you money or even avoid a claim. And if you know someone a little lazy about their finances, now is the time to send them this article to help them consider their life insurance options. So, here are the 14 cases where you should call your advisor to review your insurance policy.