The top five most common accidents in the US

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Accidents happen when we least expect them, and most people don't have the savings to face them if they occur. That's why it is important to consider life insurance, which works as a backup in case of an incident. Since these types of situations could be just around the corner, let's take a look at the top five most common accidents in the US.

Multitasking and driving don’t mix!

In America, 42,060 people were killed in motor vehicle collisions in 2020, according to the National Safety Council. That marks an 8% increase over 2019 in a year where people drove significantly less frequently because of the pandemic. Contrary to what we might imagine, not all of them were drivers or passengers. In the first six months of 2020 alone, 2,957 pedestrians lost their lives to drivers on the road. 

Is your home as safe as you think?

About 18,000 Americans die from unintentional home injuries each year. The main causes of these accidents are falls, poisoning, airway obstructions, home fires, and drowning. Not for nothing, the World Health Organization mentions that 80% of accidents occur at home. These numbers are shocking and, now that we have to spend most of our time at home, we must be prepared for what may happen, as it is not yet known when everything will return to normal.

Why Americans don't embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Sports and a balanced diet are the best recipes to strengthen the immune system and enjoy good health. However, the United States is far from the healthiest nation in the world. According to research published by Mayo Clinic Proceedings, less than 3 percent of Americans meet the measurable characteristics that reduce a person’s risk for heart disease. This sickness kills about 610,000 Americans every year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Here is another statistic to toss on the pile, the U.S. has the highest chronic disease burden and an obesity rate two times higher than the OECD average. We know multiple sicknesses derive from a genetic issue, and others are irretrievably contracted. Regardless of the case, illnesses can come without warning, generate unexpected expenses, and can even lead to death.

Crime has increased over the years.

Violence has spread like a virus in recent years becoming exposed to more people around the country. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) National Center for Health Statistics reported 13,958 homicides by firearm in 2018. We could keep mentioning more statistics, but we do not want to veer into sensationalism, but it is a reality that we must be prepared for the unexpected.

Forewarned, forearmed; to be prepared is half the victory

As you can see, these situations are likely to arise no matter how many precautions you take. What is possible is to avoid a bad experience for your loved ones due to the expenses generated by your final needs. How? The answer is simple and is just one click away with our Final Expense Plan Insurance, which will protect your loved ones from the financial impact that this event can represent. You can apply for a free no-obligation quote now, and our advisors will be more than happy to provide you with all the information you need and answer any questions you may have to better protect those you love the most.

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